Register now for 2025 Spring Fundraising. Click here!
If you are looking for some serious fundraising for your organization, you have come to the right place. We have been doing fundraising for local hockey team, gynastics clubs, school, businesses and much more for over 25 years. And best of all there are no minimum orders and zero risk of losing profit! Check out the products page for more informaiton. Covid-19 has had a significant impact on all of us! Our fundraising method has minimal (if any) contact with you/your customers. Delivery will be conducted the same as previous years. Our driver will deliver all your items to the predetermined location, once the driver has unloaded the truck, a representaive from your organization will verify the quantity of products and the driver leaves with either cash, cheque or email money transfer. Then sit back and supervise your 'customers' picking up their product! Easy, simple and contact free!
Everyone wants to know how much money they can expect to make......its a great question and the answer is quite simple. If you and your organization put the effort in you can expect to make in excess of $1000 upwards of $6000 (several teams made in excess of $6000 in profits in 2023) or even more. On average you will make $5-$15 for every item that you sell. So if you have a team with 30 players and they all sell only 4 items each, that profit is $1000-$1400, we have teams that some players will sell 20+ items, so the effort really pays off.
18" Holiday Wreath